30 Most Hotly Anticipated Movies Still To Come In 2017 - Ranked

1. Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Last Jedi Chewbacca Porg

Release Date: December 15th

Billed As:

The third second Star Wars trilogy movie, with added Luke, answers to lots of questions and OH MY GOD LOOK AT HOW CUTE THAT PORG IS.


Seriously, have your eyes ever clapped eyes on something so beautiful? It's like a Wookie hamster.

The Last Jedi will probably be the highest grossing film of the year, and not just because it's Star Wars. In a world where directors seem to be peeled away from Star Wars movies every couple of weeks, Rian Johnson looks to be a genius addition to the franchise.

Every trailer, every new update and every scrap of footage looks brilliant; we know there's a lot of intriguing story to be revealed and there's bound to be an Empire Strikes Back style escalation that makes Han Solo's death in The Force Awakens look like a pillow fight in a marshmallow field.

To be fair, Disney could just release two hours of porgs talking to camera and it'd still make a billion dollars. But that doesn't mean The Last Jedi won't still be brilliant.

Which films are you most excited about in 2017? Share your picks in the comments thread below.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.