30 Truly Awful Lines That Ruined Comic Book Movies
20. "Time To Accessorize!" - Catwoman
This is far from the only problem with the God-awful Catwoman spin-off/reboot script, but it is indicative of how broken even the smallest moments are. The script is brainless, insistent and infused with a self-importance in moments like this that attempt to build up the mythology and iconic nature of the character, failing miserably.
19. "Leave Me Alone!" - The Incredible Hulk
What the second go at making a big screen Hulk movie didn't seem to realise was that Banner is supposed to be the emo side of the character, and the Hulk is supposed to be a monster, with brief flashes of humanity. Those moments should not be channelled into making Big Green appear like a disgruntled teenager, slamming his bedroom door in the eternal quest for peace and quiet. Yes, the idea of the Hulk is to explore the inner capacity of mankind for good or evil, but The Incredible Hulk hammers that message home with a Thor-like blow, balancing the Abomination's infinite evil with a soppier side to the Hulk that precisely nobody wanted. As Ang Lee was all too aware already.