31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

9. Soggy Vengeance - What Lies Beneath

What Lies Beneath

Who would ever have thought that Harrison Ford could convincingly play a murderous, evil husband with skeletons in his closet and a bloodlust to kill again? Such is the biggest triumph of What Lies Beneath - a sort of horror soap opera that sees Michelle Pfeiffer attempting to uncover some gnawing mystery that she can't quite place.

Eventually she uncovers her husband's secret: that he had an affair with a student, who he killed to cover up his mess and dumped in the lake. And now that his still living wife knows about it, he's not above killing her too.

The finale sees your classic thriller climax, with Ford seemingly killed off once before a final attack that sees them ironically driven into the same lake where he dumped his first victim. And the sight of her body floating up to interrupt the murder is chilling to say the least. The scare is then dialled up even more when she turns her head towards her killer, sending him and the audience to an early grave from sheer shock alone.


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