31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

7. The Inferi - Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

Inferi Harry Potter
Warner Brothers

Harry Potter movies might not be the greatest source of horror movie enjoyment, but you have to admire the way the series messed with genre expectations (including putting a bloody cartoon in the middle of one of them). And in the sixth movie, which saw the untimely and never forgotten death of Albus Dumbledore, we got to see the Boy Wizard in full horror mode.

Tasked with finding the Horcruxes, Harry and Dumbledore head into a pitch black cave where the latter is forced to drink a potion that almost kills him on an island surrounded by a zombie infested lake. What could possibly go wrong?

That much was hard enough to watch - since it basically amounts to torture porn - but then the scares are dialled up entirely when something dead and terrifying emerges from the deep. Rather disturbingly, they actually look like real dead people - not cartoons, not puppets, nothing like Dobby. Actual cadavers.

Remember kids, this is supposed to be a family film: which is absolutely no tonic when you first jump out of your skin at the zombie arm grabbing Harry from the lake, and then fill your trousers as they all try to cuddle him to death in the murk.


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