31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

6. The Silence Of The Lambs - Night Vision

The Silence Of The Lambs
Orion Pictures

Not content with presenting one iconic horror movie villain in Hannibal Lecter - a performance almost terrifying enough to make this list - The Silence Of The Lambs doubles down with the introduction of gender-confused, lady-murdering fashionista Buffalo Bill.

His crowning moment comes at the climax of the film as Clarice unwittingly stumbles into the hornet's nest, discovers he's the actual killer and boom the lights go out. Then comes the worst bit - Bill clicks on his night-vision goggles and toys with Clarice in the dark as she positively drips desperate terror. It's almost too uncomfortable to watch, as if you could dare pry your eyes away.

it might well be the most claustrophobic scene ever made: and it's not just that it's dark and scary, it's that your invited to feed off Clarice's fear. Unlike most horror films where you're sitting alongside the victims, in this one, you're the killer toying with your prey in a blind maze. It's as awful to watch as it is oddly exhilarating.


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