4 Reasons Why The World's End Is Great (And 1 Reason It's Not)

1. It's Never Boring

The World's End I say it's never boring, what I mean to say is that the film is never slow. There was never a moment where I thought to myself "How long is this going to go on for?" or "Has it been an hour and a half yet?" The movie is both so well written and performed that the speed and feel of the film never falls victim of being boring. It's very rare that a trilogy of movies will keep its stride throughout all three films and honestly, I'm incredibly impressed with the fact that The World's End still succeeds in being both original and non-repetitive. I appreciate that the people who make the movie didn't try to carbon copy what made them successful in the first two movies and instead tried something new at almost every turn of the movie. And now the one reason and thing I didn't like about this movie...

A student of film in New York City, Chris’s true love is with television and he hopes that someday he will be able to work in a writer’s room on a great show. He is also a great juggler, certified in advanced scuba diving, and also a liar.