5 Awesome 80s Movie Crossovers That Should Have Happened

3. E.T. (1982)/Stand By Me (1986)

ETstandbyme This might be just me, but I can't help think that the one thing missing from the adventures of Corey Feldman, Wil Wheaton, Jerry O'Connell and the late, great River Phoenix was an alien. Ridiculous right? Probably. But what of it?! Imagine the reaction of the chubby, timid Vern (O'Connell) to the group stumbling across an alien in an abandoned barn whilst out on their adventures, instead of a dead body. Stand By Me was undoubtedly great, but it was quite dark, so it would genuinely be nice to have seen the quartet in a warm, family movie with less life-threatening moments occurring for them (the train tracks, the gun scene etc). It would also be cool to see E.T. befriend someone less irritating than Elliott (Henry Thomas) and Gertie (Drew Barrymore). I guess it could have been called 'Stand By E.T'. Sigh (Okay, I admit that was the main logic behind this one...).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.