5 Awesome Heist Films

1. Ocean's Elevenocena Ocean's Eleven has a great cast, great characters, snappy direction, no weak links (okay, maybe Don Cheadle's 'cockney' accent) and a soundtrack that suits the carefree mood perfectly. I think this film has everything and I don't know anyone who actively dislikes it - it's the kind of film I could happily watch once a week and not get bored. Like the Rat Pack-centred original from 1960, Ocean's Eleven is an exercise in style and fun and star power but director Steven Soderbergh doesn€™t let that deny us any of the pleasures of the heist genre - showing us in detail the planning, execution, and aftermath of the heist on top of all the drama and jovial in-fighting inbetween. He does all this and yet still manages to somehow have enough aces up his sleeve to surprise us and leave us feeling just as conned as Andy Garcia's Terry Benedict when the credits roll.


punk, kindasorta journalist, writer of short stories, owner of too many t-shirts, and comic nerd. All of these insults have been used to describe me. 51% PMA 49% FTW I also write anecdotal music reviews here: http://fa-nat-ic.co.uk