5 Awesome Villains For A Namor The Sub-Mariner Movie

3. Krang

The mighty Krang is undoubtedly one of Namor the Sub-Mariner's most ruthless and formidable opponents. Born in Atlantis City in the kingdom of Atlantis, Krang became a leader of the Atlantean military and warlord of Atlantis who rose to prominence during the time in which Namor, the then Prince of Atlantis, was missing. Upon Namor's return, Krang's bride-to-be, the Lady Dorma, deserted him for Namor, bringing a great hatred for Namor from Krang (the lady would go on to alternate between the two over the course of the subsequent years). As a result, the pair clashed and with Krang being a skilled strategist, an expert fencer and wielding an electric sword, as well as possessing similar superhuman physical statistics to those of Namor and often being heavily armoured, he posed a great threat to the hero. Looking like a blue version of Ming the Merciless, Krang would look great on screen and would undoubtedly present a baptism of fire to a live action depiction of Namor.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.