5 Cancelled Superhero Movies That Would Have Made Billions

1. Quentin Tarantino's Iron Man

Tarantino and Iron Man: did somebody say a billion dollars? Of all the projects mentioned on this list, perhaps this one had the potential to make the most money, given that it combines two very, very popular brands: those of Tarantino and Iron Man, who - these days - is like everyone's favourite superhero. It's also the film on this list that never really got a proper shot, having - as far as we know, anyway - gone further than the "Wouldn't it be cool if...?" stages (though for a while this was poised as a fully-fledged possibility and Tarantino debated whether to make it). Unsure of where to go or what to do with the Iron Man property back in the late 90's, the Fox - who held the rights before they went back to Marvel - approached the director to see if he was interested in potentially directing the movie. It turned out that Tarantino was a fan of Iron Man and that he was interested, but for whatever reason - most of which are largely unknown - the project never amounted to anything. Which is kind of a shame.
Yes, the 2008 Iron Man was rather brilliant - and Robert Downey Jr. was inspired casting - but a Quentin Tarantino Marvel film - especially one with Iron Man at the helm - would likely have been bold, crazy and packed to the brim with memorable dialogue cues. Kind of makes you wonder how amazing a Tarantino/Downey Jr. Iron Man film would have been, had these two somehow been teamed together at some point during development. Tarantino also once talked about making a Luke Cage movie (or at least wanting to), but despite his involvement the lesser-known character probably wouldn't have had people clambering into the theatre to the same extent that a Tarantino Iron Man film might've. Like this article? Agree or disagree that these movies could've reached a billion dollars each? Are there any that we missed? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.