5 Good Reasons To Adapt Stephen King's The Dark Tower Series

4. Setting

Darktower3 The Dark Tower series is an epic work of fantasy mixed in with some elements of westerns so it makes sense that the locales that Roland and co. venture through are almost characters themselves. From the irradiated wastelands and ruined cities of Roland's world to New York, the journey takes the protagonists through doors into different dimensions allowing a lot of scope for some breath-taking cinematography. Roland's world is eerily similar to our own in a number of ways, despite seemingly lagging behind in terms of technology there are areas where modern machinery is evident allowing for a steam-punk feel to the environments. Combine these elements and you have some truly unique imagery and a director could have a lot of fun creating these locations which excite and terrify in equal measure. Aside from casting, the world in which the characters find themselves is greatly important to both the story and tone of any adaptations. In an ideal world someone like Peter Jackson could take the helm, his track record of directing epic fantasy with beautiful locales would lend itself seamlessly to The Dark Tower.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson