4. Anthony Hopkins - 360

When you've spent your career playing iconic characters like Hannibal Lecter and King Odin, you don't need to worry much at all about your legacy. Anthony Hopkins has been starring in movies for over 60 years and most of the time, he's shown good judgement in the projects he appears in. Unfortunately the 2010's have shown a decrease in quality for a few of the movies Hopkins has appeared in. Both The Rite and The Wolfman were critical misfires that saw Hopkins pretty much just play a creepy old man, which is a role he's got down very well by now. In 360, Hopkins plays an older man, who is decidedly not as creepy. The film is a bit of a change for Hopkins as he dives into a romantic drama film that "dazzlingly weaves together the stories of an array of people from disparate social backgrounds through their intersecting relationships." It sounds like the kind of movie that could be an Oscar contender. Instead though, critics across the board harshly condemned 360 even with it's acclaimed cast and directors. Sometimes assembling talent isn't enough to overcome for an awful story, which is a powerful lesson for everyone involved. It's also a call for Hopkins to stay with roles where he's the wise grandfather or the creepy guy that battles demons.