5 Greatest Inanimate Objects On Film

4.Vicky the Vacuum, from Testees

Remember how good the US comedy show Testees was? No you don't and that's the reason it was cancelled. Shame on you! In one episode the two lab rats are tasked with testing out a new vacuum cleaner. It's self aware, cleans up every crumb and is also called Vicky. But living with filthy Ron and Peter pushes Vicky over the edge and she ... we mean it ... quickly becomes an OCD psychopath that turns the men into slaves. We'd love Vicky to come round and clean up our place, and she's also pretty hot for a hover. You can check out repeats on FX occasionally. It wont change the fact that the show was cancelled though, so probably don't bother. Thanks for nothing.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.