5 Gruesome Movie Deaths That Are Way Worse Than You Think (And 5 That Aren't)

2. Nuke

Nuclear Explosion

Quite how horrific your experience of a nuclear explosion is, depends on how far away you are from ground zero. Frankly, if the dudes in suits ever do decide to blow us all back to the dark ages, you'd be better off getting as close to the blast centre as possible.

This is not because you're more likely to survive, it's because you're more likely to be vapourised instantaneously. If the bomb is sufficiently powerful, or you are sufficiently close, the thermal pulse will turn you into mist before you know what is happening. Further out, the blast wave is what's going to get you. It'll feel like getting hit by a train.

If you survive impact then the horrors are just beginning. The radioactive fallout will likely keep emitting deadly levels of gamma radiation for a few days. Depending on the wind direction, this should extend out in a plume away from the impact zone. Radioactive dust coats everything and hangs in the air.

So, you have a choice: Immediate death, full body second and third degree burns, serious trauma injuries or radiation sickness and leukemia.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.