5 High School Movie Proms Straight From Hell

4.Zombies As Party Crashers - Dance Of The Dead (2008)

Dance Of The Dead Jimmy has the worst day ever: his girl dumps him and decides to go to prom with a total douchebag. Being dateless is the least of his worries, however, when spillage from the power plant next to the graveyard results in zombies. I want to know what asshat had the bright idea of places corpses next to toxic waste? I'll save that for another day. And why are the zombies kept at bay by music? Is it a holdover from when they were still alive? Does music really soothe the savage beast? Yeah, right. I'm sure it was just used as padding - how else would the survivors get past the zombie horde? While using music as zombie bait is kind of lame, then, you can't deny the rest of this movie is fun to watch. If nothing else, Coach Keel has some of the best one liners in film history. What did we learn from this one in the end? Don't live in a place that puts a graveyard right next to a power plant, of course.

Writer and horror geek. I'm way too into pop culture and ripping bad movies apart.