5 High School Movie Proms Straight From Hell

3. Possessed Hand - Idle Hands (1999)

Idle Hands Jessica Alba This one is... special? Interesting? While the story isn't focused on the prom, it is pretty damn memorable. Anton is a burnt-out stoner whose hand becomes possessed and then murders everyone in sight. Mr. Pothead then has the "bright" idea of chopping off his hand and killing it. Only he doesn't make sure it's actually dead, and it makes its way to the prom after his girlfriend. Everyone thinks he's crazy... until a glorious scene where the hand scalps the lead singer of the band, which leads to mass hysteria. I have to wonder why Anton was unlucky enough to get his hand possessed. That's some really bad luck, if you think about it. Then again, this movie did have a half-naked Jessica Alba in it, so "good plotting" obviously wasn't the main focus when it came to this horror/comedy. So what can we learn from this one? Don't smoke pot, I guess? You know this movie has no deeper meaning, so let's just move on.

Writer and horror geek. I'm way too into pop culture and ripping bad movies apart.