5 Huge Spider-Man: Homecoming Mistakes That Far From Home Must Avoid

3. Too Much Reliance On Technology

Spider Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

When Spider-Man made his long-awaited introduction into the MCU in Captain America: Civil War, he was recruited by Iron Man himself, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise to learn that Homecoming relied rather heavily on Peter's relationship with his mentor. It was this relationship that provided the film with some of its greatest moments but, on the other hand, it was also responsible for one of its biggest drawbacks.

As Tony was the one who gave Peter's Spider-Man suit its much-needed upgrade, much of Homecoming saw the rookie superhero learning how to fight crime with all the new fangled gadgets that came with it. While this made for some of its more endearing (and downright hilarious) moments, it also resulted in it feeling less, well, Spider-Man than it should have.

Karen? Instant Kill? Interrogation Mode? All hilarious moments, no doubt, but ones that often left Spider-Man: Homecoming feeling more like an Iron Man movie than anything else - and, quite frankly, this kind of over-the-top technology couldn't have been further from what New York's friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man needed.

Speaking of Iron Man...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.