5 Huge Spider-Man: Homecoming Mistakes That Far From Home Must Avoid

2. Leaning On Tony Stark

Spider Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

Look, there's no denying that the MCU owes its existence to Tony Stark and, in this post-Endgame era, you certainly won't be hearing anyone speak ill of Iron Man. That being said, did he really need to play such a major role in Spidey's debut offering?

Spider-Man: Homecoming was about so much more than just setting up Peter Parker's ties to the wider universe, it was about finally welcoming him into that universe in an adventure that would make him - and him alone - shine. However, having him play a subordinate role to Tony completely undermined that, with it coming off as though Iron Man himself was reminding Marvel's most famous hero that, in the MCU, he ran the show.

As a result, Peter ended up basing all of his major decisions around what "Mr. Stark" did and/or said, and this essentially robbed him of a natural character journey because, instead of reaching the significant points in this arc on his own, he was influenced by the interference of another character.

Unfortunately, it appears that Far From Home is about to replicate this mistake - the ironic part, however, is that Tony isn't the problem this time. While it's true that Iron Man's memory will greatly influence Peter's journey, the real issue lies in the fact that he is set to receive not one but two mentors in the form of Nick Fury and Mysterio.

Let's just hope that he isn't forced to bow down to another MCU stalwart.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.