5 James Marsden Characters That Got Totally Shafted

4. Lon Hammond - The Notebook (2004)

After Noah (Ryan Gosling) goes off to fight in World War II, Allie (Rachel McAdams) turns her time to being a nurse's aid at the hospital She happens up war hero Lon (James Marsden) who's contained in a full body cast due to injuries from the war for serving his country. Within seconds of talking to her, he asks her out on a date which she ignores. Then when he's all all better and gussied up in his army get-up, he asks her out to dinner. She falls in love with him instantly via a convenient romantic montage. They go dancing, watch movies and take romantic horse rides on the beach. He's also filthy stinking rich because he comes from "southern money". Then later on in their relationship he proposes to her and she says yes to the standing ovation of her parents. They're engaged, and a few days before the wedding she decides to go see Noah again. Lon being a totally upstanding guy lets her take the few days. Allie then meets up with Noah and it all falls apart for Lon after that. Noah takes her on the lake in his rowboat all romantic-like before they famously kiss in the middle of a rainstorm and subsequently have sex. Then Lon comes to see her and she tells him what's happened. Weirdly enough, he's more or less pretty calm about it and says "Look it's normal not to forget your first love. I love you Allie, but I want you for myself. I don't wanna have to convince my fiancé that she should be with me". To which she replies "You don't have to. I already know I should be with you." And then after ALL OF THAT, she ends up with Noah anyway, thereby leaving Lon entirely heartbroken and alone. If only Lon had gone on a total murder spree after finding this out would this part in the movie not be so absolutely ridiculous.

Philip Clarke is a 21-year old graduate of the SAIT Film and Video Production Program. He spends his days working on his novels and feature film screenplays. His favourite film is GoodFellas. He goes to the theatre to watch movies on a weekly basis to feed his cinematic addictions.