5 Justice League Moments We Needed To See (That Didn't Happen)

2. Darkseid

Injustice 2 darkseid

We touched upon the absence of a second big bad earlier, and while Lex Luthor did cameo in a post-credits scene of his own, there was nothing substantial to back up Steppenwolf as a minor figure in the grand scheme of things.

They recommend to always leave your audience wanting more, and while we’re aware Wolfie and his legions of parademons were obviously boomed to Earth via a higher power, it would have been nice to receive at least an inkling or more reference as to what or who that power is.

Okay, we may as well stop beating around the intergalactic bush and come out with it: WHERE WAS DARKSEID? We’re not asking for the ruler of Apokolips to descend and solve the Anti-Life Equation in front of my face, but maybe it would have been nice to accidentally butt in on a Skype session or have one of his other generals send a warning to his newfound enemies. Just give me something!

Instead, a one-dimensional, eight-foot CGI’d Steppenwolf was as intimidating as it got on the antagonist front, much to our disappointment.


Tom Sunderland hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.