5 Major Plot Predictions For Star Wars Episodes 8 & 9

4. Kylo Ren Is Irredeemable (And Thus Must Ultimately Be Killed)


Kylo Ren killed Han Solo. That alone is enough to make him irredeemable in most fan's eyes, but it's what it represents that seals Ben Solo to the Dark Side. Kylo killed his father in an attempt to rectify what he perceives as Darth Vader's biggest weakness; his family. Anakin ultimately came back to the light because the existence of his twin children kept a slither of light within him; in killing off his father Ben is sealing off that possibility (and you can bet Leia is next in Snoke's targets).

So while Lor San Tekka says to him that he isn't born of the Dark Side (which depends given Anakin's lineage), Kylo Ren is trying to create a situation where he has fully immersed himself in it. And, given that he killed Han Solo, he's likely achieved it. Some fan theories posit this is all an act and Ben is in deep cover, trying to bring down the First Order from the inside, but that ignores pretty much everything about his established character, how every other character interacts with him and that it doesn't fit any form of Star Wars narrative.

The sequel trilogy will then see Luke and Rey having to face the fact that Ben Solo is gone and that Kylo Ren is irredeemable; that if he is to be stopped that he must be killed (probably by Rey after Luke has fatally failed). Just as Anakin's journey was a dark mirror of Luke's in the originals, Kylo's will be a haunting reversal of Vader's.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.