5 Mouth-Watering Movie Meals (And 5 That Will Make Your Stomach Churn)

2. Blueberry Pies - Stand By Me

Stand By Me Pie Gordie's story about Lard Ass - the town fat kid - who decides to take revenge on his local community who have made his life a living hell takes the biscuit, or pie, rather, in terms of absolute deep-purple vomit inducing cinema. From the page of King, this scene from arguably the best adaptation from the prolific writer's work, works so well as a neat little cut away from the main story, and culminates in something that has turned me off blueberry pies forever and put me off anything purple for a part of my childhood. The gloopy, chunks of blueberry and the shards of pie crust that are stuck to the contestants in the pie eating contest are bad enough, but then when Gordie lets rip with a heinous belch and follows it with a flew of purple puke it gets my stomach going almost as bad as the rest of the townsfolk.

Frustratingly argumentative writer, eater, reader and fanatical about film ‘n’ food and all things fundamentally flawed. I have been a member of the WhatCulture family since it was known as Obsessed with Film way back in the bygone year of 2010. I review films, festivals, launch events, award ceremonies and conduct interviews with members of the ‘biz’. Follow me @FilmnFoodFan In 2011 I launched the restaurant and food criticism section. I now review restaurants alongside film and the greatest rarity – the food ‘n’ film crossover. Let your imaginations run wild as you mull on what that might look like!