5 Movie Characters Who We'd Love To See Visit Jurassic Park

1. Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones Films)

indiana-jones-blu Who better to venture in to Jurassic Park than the most famous adventurer in movie history? Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) would love it in Jurassic Park, as his interest would be twofold; First, his taste for adventure could be satisfied and, second, the archaeologist in him would find it fascinating. To quote Jones himself; "You see: I like doing things, not reading about them". That makes a place like Jurassic Park right up his street - and a very risky prospect for him. Having said all that, if his fear of snakes extends to other reptiles, he'd actually hate the place. Regardless, he'd be a good man to lead a group in the park, due to his tough yet compassionate nature. Do you agree with this list? Which other movie characters would you like to see visiting Jurassic Park? Let us know in the comments box below! And please feel free to follow me on Twitter.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.