5. The Six Foot Turkey Kid (Jurassic Park)

When Dr. Alan Grant is at an archaeological dig, he and his group unearth the fossil of a complete velociraptor (or, at least, Jurassic Park's interpretation of one). Utilising (what was then) new technology, Grant and the group are able to see a scanned image of the full raptor skeleton on a computer screen. At that point, a young boy pipes up saying "that doesn't look very scary! More like a six foot turkey!" Alan, aware of what the velociraptors were capable of in their time, then goes on to scare the hell out of the kid by pulling out one of their claws from his pocket and describing how the velociraptor would use it to cut his belly open (spilling his intestines) and start to eat him while he was still alive, before telling the kid to "show a little respect". Very harsh, even if the kid was a bit of a brat.