5 Potential Titles For Star Wars Episode VIII

1. The Battle For Freedom

Star Wars The Battle For Freedom.jpg

Why It Could Be The Title: Everyone (even Ewan McGregor) may have scoffed at some of the prequel titles, but their ridiculousness was kinda the point; Star Wars is based on the unashamedly shlocky sci-fi serials Lucas grew up on, after all.

Just think about it this way - Attack Of The Clones may be goofy, but when you detach it from the awesome movie it's associated with The Empire Strikes Back is really the series' most cheesy title. And so it'd only really be fitting for Episode VIII to continue the trend. Hence The Battle For Freedom - it's just the right level of B-movie homage, has an aggressive undercurrent, incredibly vague allusions, is short enough for marketing purposes and looks damn good in a logo.

Why It Might Not Be: OK, I'm gonna level with you - this isn't a rumoured title or anything. It's just one me and James came up with during a very fevered speculation session (we work hard, alright) taking the recurring logic in Star Wars titles and tweaking it just a little. The Battle For Freedom fits incredibly well and, while it coming from us means it's unlikely to be the eventually title, don't be surprised if Episode VIII is ultimately called something in this vein.

What do you think Episode VIII will be called? Share your theories down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.