5 Reason Why Disney Fans Are Delighted Bob Iger Has Returned

3. Chapek's Vision Was Always Different To Iger's

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Before Iger left, the pair were generally on good terms. Iger even chose Chapek to take over for him. Things soon changed.

During the beginning of the pandemic Iger hung around longer to try and keep the ship steadier during the crisis. Many believed this decision didn't go down well with Chapek. Later Iger openly criticised some of the decisions made at Disney since his departure.

Chapek has reorganised many aspects of the company, especially when it came to the power of executives within the company. He preferred to unify many of the decision making and taking away some budget management and streamline. Much of his focus has also been on increasing prices and cutting where possible.

Disney's theme park fans have felt the brunt of Chapek's changes. The introduction of park reservations, initially thought to be a temporary pandemic measure has stuck around. Many believe this is a way for the company to manage a smaller workforce in the parks. The constant changes to the Genie+ system have also caused frustration.

Iger tended to allow the different departments to organise their own budgets.

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