3. Good People Don't Let The Dead Pool Be The Final Dirty Harry Movie

The Dead Pool is not a horrible film. However, when you put the movie into context (i.e. it's the capper to the franchise) then it's an atrocity. It plays at times like more of a parody of a Dirty Harry film then an actual one. It would be a shame to have The Dead Pool be the final statement Harry Callahan ever makes on the big screen. Good people just don't let such things happen and we are all good people, right? The Dead Pool did not have anywhere near the impact the first Dirty Harry movie did. Maybe it's because there wasn't much left to say. However, there would be plenty for Dirty Harry to say today. It would be a shame to let such a strong character go out with a meager whimper. One final roar is needed before we completely retire Harry Callahan. On a side note, The Dead Pool did introduce the world to Jim Carrey and Guns n' Roses. Those are literally the two best things about the movie. Other than that, we get to watch as the story of Callahan fighting the media is squandered and we get to watch a car chase involving a toy car (no kidding).