5 Reasons Indiana Jones 5 Should NOT Be Made (And 5 Reasons It Should)

8. Harrison Ford's Age (Should NOT)

Indiana Jones Harrison Ford

Lawrence Kasdan had a real way with words. "It's not the years honey, it's the mileage... " was the best line from Raiders Of The Lost Ark and so perfectly captures the 30s vernacular and tone of the character that it defines Indiana Jones. Over the last decade though, in fact the last 12 years since The Kingdom Of The Crystal Whatever, the quote actually works better in reverse.

Harrison has always been a bit growly, but recently he's become practically inaudible. Ford seems to be settling in quite comfortably into the 'old man' persona that all old men have to eventually face, famous or not, so why are we still dragging the poor bastard off his ranch and into the snake-pit again? There are some recent exceptions to this, like Blade Runner 2049, where his increasing age was part of the story but Indy is different.

As Harry Plinkett once explained, the thrill of watching Indiana Jones is being Indiana Jones, to live vicariously through his adventures. If Indy is some 80 year old dude who can't ball a fist due to arthritis then who wants to see that? Indy has the adventures we can't - globe trotting, punching bad guys, getting the girls, shooting bad guys, discovering rare artefacts, saving the planet, murdering bad guys and generally being the person we can't be.

If it's all about his 'character' then why has he worn the same clothes for the last 40 years?


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...