5 Reasons Sony's Venom Movie Is Doomed To Fail

2. The Writer Has Little To No Prior Experience

While first time writers and directors have been known to deliver great results, it's more common for them to drop the ball, especially on big budget blockbusters. With Alex Kurtzman no longer involved with Venom because of The Mummy reboot, Sony have turned to Edge of Harper's Dante Harper. While the mention of that enjoyable sci-fi movie may give you faith in being the right choice for Venom, don't get too excited. Harper's screenplay may have ended up on The Black List before being bought, but it underwent massive rewrites and director Doug Liman discarded two-thirds of it by the time shooting started. The fact is, what ended up on the big screen isn't a reflection on his work, so there's no way to know whether he's capable of delivering something good. Chances are that Venom is going to go through a number of writers over the next couple of years, but this initial choice is either going to pan out well for Sony or backfire in a big way when they get a script back which needs a lot more work. Either way, Harper doesn't inspire much confidence.
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