5 Reasons To Be Excited For Jurassic World

2. The "What If?" Aspect

When it comes to a Jurassic Park sequel, you seemingly can't please everyone. Try and take the action off one of the islands and into a populated city, like the San Diego finale of The Lost World, and some people will complain about how ludicrous it is. Keep the action confined to the island with characters struggling to survive and escape again, like Jurassic Park III, and some people will bemoan its "been there, done that" nature. Jurassic World seems to be taking a middle ground approach, keeping the dinosaur action, we assume, strictly to Isla Nublar while shaking things up drastically by tackling the type of "What if?" questions fans have wondered about for over two decades. What if Jurassic Park had successfully opened? What if the park had an aquatic exhibit? What if seeing living dinosaurs became old hat and the general public wasn't interested anymore? In many ways, Jurassic World is providing an alternate reality take on the original film while using the history and events of the series to continue to build upon the theme that life will find a way no matter how much we advance technologically. By taking on these questions instead of simply dropping characters into avoidable trouble or finding new, illogical ways to drag existing franchise characters back into the action, the film is already imbued with a fresh feeling that has room to play in whatever direction it wishes to go.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!