5 Reasons Why Donald Glover Definitely Won't Play Miles Morales In Spider-Man: Homecoming
1. It Would Be A Disservice To Introduce Miles Now

I alluded to this with the age thing, but it's so important it deserves the focus of its own entry: if Miles Morales is in the reboot, then it going to be a good six or more years before he becomes Spider-Man, so casting anyone who isn't a child actor would be a foolish endeavor that undermines the point of a character who's grown up with the legend of the web-slinging vigilante.
It doesn't just hurt Peter to have him in Homecoming, but the Miles too. And, as I've already mentioned, this is a talking point exactly because Miles is a beloved character, so to mess with it too much would simply cause backlash.
One intriguing twist would be to follow All-New All-Different Marvel and have Peter and Miles' Spideys exist alongside each other as a sort of Spider-team, which in turn could predicate an approximation of Spider-Verse (in fact, now I've said that I think that's definitely what they should do), but for that to happen we still need to have Spidey's place in NYC developed; there'd need to be an age difference and a mentoring angle for it to work. Let's give Holland a couple of movies and see where we are.
Who do you think Donald Glover will play in Spider-Man: Homecoming? Will it be Miles Morales or someone completely different? Have your say down in the comments.