5 Reasons Why Kick-Ass 2 Did Kick Ass

2. Supporting Characters

kick-ass-2 This is another element where I felt the sequel had an edge on the original. The original was practically stolen by one person...Hit Girl. While the sequel is of course heavily influenced by how good Hit-Girl is again. We have a lot of other interesting characters to invest our time in. Hit-Girl is given a lot more character development this time around and the film really benefits from it. Kick-Ass is also a stronger lead in this film than in the original, able to hold his own alongside Hit-Girl. We also get an excellent turn from Jim Carrey as the Colonel, The Motherf**ker is again a more interesting and engaging villain than the first and Kick-Ass' dad also has his moments. The High School cheerleader bitches were also great in their roles and provide a great funny moment for Hit-Girl to deliver some sweet and smelly revenge.
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Kick-Ass 2
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Aspiring movie reviewer, scriptwriter and director. Basically an all round movie fanatic! Also a Batman obsessive along with a strong passion for sport (mainly football of course), comics and games.