5 Rebooted Franchises That Still Deserve Sequels

2. The Incredible Hulk

Hulk Yes, Edward Norton was already fired from the job of playing Bruce Banner and the Hulk and Mark Ruffalo has taken over, and many agreed with the decision, but was The Incredible Hulk that bad? Better yet, was Norton that bad? I hate superhero movies most often, but Norton brought the right amount of depth to the character of Bruce Banner/ Hulk. The Incredible Hulk managed to balance action and romance and play with the idea of Bruce Banner and the Hulk in a fun and sometimes serious way. Louis Letterier created a pretty strong film that got the character right, succeeding where Ang Lee had failed not too long before. Norton clearly had love for franchise as well as he was apparently an uncredited producer and screenwriter on the picture - he poured his heart and soul into the movie and the love showed. His performance was a highlight, he wasn't a typical actor for a superhero movie, but he pulled it off wonderfully. There was also a cool nod to a sequel involving Tim Blake Nelson and fans of this Hulk (me included) still want to see Norton have another go at it because based on his dedication, it could really only get better. And extra points for the Lou Ferrigno cameo. The Incredible Hulk is a reboot that deserves a sequel with Norton and company because a sequel would just be downright cool based on the strong first film.
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