1. Planet of the Apes (2001)
Another Burton film here and in my opinion his last interesting feature film to date. OK, so this is widely considered to be a terrible movie, but I honestly think it wasn't all that bad. If you re-watch the so called classic first "Planet of the Apes" movie, it is pretty terrible... a good concept but hardly a great movie (but with one of the greatest endings ever). The only reason I have included this particular film on this list though is because of the strange cliffhanger ending. The ending, in which Mark Wahlberg returns to his present day version of earth to see that apes have taken over humans and are living as if there never were humans- doing very human things- was loathed by most critics. I remember at the time being pretty horrified by the image of Ape-raham Lincoln's stone "monkey" face staring back at me, but now I am older, I appreciate that as much as I liked this ending at the time, it was pretty much just placed at the end of this movie to create a shocking cliffhanger ending that made very little sense... ... But this is why I want to see a sequel. I want to see Tim Burton try to make sense of this. I want to see that strange Ape run universe set in a present day human city. I want to know why and how apes have suddenly taken the place of humans, and I want to know how Abraham Lincoln is an ape. Forget that this is Planet of the Apes for a second, and this universe shown in the last 5 minutes of this movie is a pretty messed up, surreal, but interesting world to explore for a science fiction movie- it is pretty much in itself an episode of The Twilight Zone. Apes in human clothing creep me out, and the Planet of the Apes apes creep me out more than any scary movie monster ever has, so I would watch this film simply to be terrified. I am sure Tim Burton has no idea how any of this makes sense, and would struggle to make sense of this for a sequel, but if he were to hire some really smart science fiction writers, who knows, this cliffhanger may end up blowing our minds and I would certainly watch that film just out of curiosity and I am sure many many people would do the same. Any/ Many films I have missed out? Go crazy in the comments section below... or likewise, tell me why you'd love to see a sequel/ a real sequel to one of the films I listed above...