5 Things Ghostbusters Haters Have Already Done To Make The Film Fail

2. Downvoting On IMDb

Ghostbusters Backlash

But, of course, throwing around images and opinions on reddit isn’t going to pierce the mainstream collective, so they went to the one popular film rating site that welcomes public contributions, IMDb.

At the time of writing, the film has 4.1/10 based on around 13000 reviews, and 50% of those are 1* ratings. Even with the craziness of IMDb that's a lot. There is of course the possibility all these people live in the territories the film is out and really did just find it the worst thing imaginable, but given how there’s only a handful of accompanying reviews it instead appears very much that haters en masse have gone to down-vote the film sight unseen.

Now this is devious. Not only does it make the film look low on the world’s biggest movie website (albeit one any movie fan knows not to really trust) on the week of release, but it will have a long-term effect on its legacy; genuine votes will be able to pull it up, but it’ll still put the film in the purgatory of a 6.0, looking decidingly sh*t by IMDb’s standards.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.