5 Things Needed To Make A Good Alien Vs. Predator Movie

2. Big Action Set-Pieces

alien vs predator fighting The 2004 Alien vs. Predator film had great potential for big action set pieces, in particular the Predators hunting down the mercenaries around the abandoned Antarctic drilling plant. However, rather than building tension, the scene is cut short (quick cuts that kill all tension) and all hell breaks loose as the Predators casually take out all the mercenaries in a quick montage. While these characters are only cannon fodder for the Predators to show off their hardware; it practically kills the scene of any noteworthy tension and genuine concern for the victims. With a bit more care, that scene could have been a classic of the franchise (as guns with green laser-sight are darned cool). This surely should be the easiest part of making any Alien and Predator film but the Alien vs. Predator movies have failed to set the world alight in this aspect, falling flat (or blindly in Requiem€™s case) and seeming dull and unimaginative compared to the original films. How hard could it be having the two coolest science fiction creatures ever to play with and create clever and thrilling set-pieces? Unless you are James Cameron, bigger does not necessarily mean better, so maybe going back suspenseful rather than all out action could provide some success and save for one final showdown where all hell breaks loose.

A fountain of knowledge in useless film related trivia. Loves a good Simpsons reference. Also likes to write about stuff.