5 Things You Learn As A Film Projectionist

4. Not All Prints Are In Good Condition

The majority of film prints are in good condition and are fine to make up. However some films, mainly classic films or cult films can be a bit more problematic. As these prints pass from cinema to cinema, some mischievous projectionists will cut a frame out of the film, probably from a pivotal or famous scene in the movie. This seems harmless, as one frame equates to 1/24th of a second. But these soon add up, and a scene of gargantuan importance could be missing from the film. Something as important as €˜I am your father€™.
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A student currently doing an English Language & Literature degree. I'm kind of a big deal. My apartment smells of rich mahogany and I have many leather-bound books. Anchorman is my favourite film.