5 Underrated Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies (And 1 That Is Not)

3. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Being the sequel to the most important action film of the 90s was always going to be a tough act to follow for Schwarzenegger and company. What made things worse was losing the creative mind behind the series (James Cameron) and spending a lengthy spell in development hell (it was released 12 years after T2). The film did not reinvent action cinema like its predecessor did and is generally seen as more of a watered down rehash of the second film. And it is to a certain extent. But that does not mean it is not without some great action and entertainment. Excluding one or two dire attempts at humour, T3 is actually a pretty decent action movie. Sure Kristanna Loken€™s T-X is nowhere near as creepy or terrifying as Robert Patrick€™s iconic T-1000, and it pretty much borrows set piece ideas from T2, but the big chase scene is destruction on an impressive scale and fulfils all action junkie€™s needs and a couple of fights between Schwarzenegger and the T-X are amusing as they literally throw the bathroom sink at each other. The ending is surprisingly downbeat, but a terrific set-up for more Terminator related awesomeness (which again took forever to come about). If you enjoy T3 for what it is, it is quite a guilty pleasure.


A fountain of knowledge in useless film related trivia. Loves a good Simpsons reference. Also likes to write about stuff.