5 Underrated Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies (And 1 That Is Not)

2. End of Days (1999) Schwarzenegger€™s action-horror film introduced the audience to the Arnie with emotions. In his first scene, we see Arnie contemplating suicide, a very un-Schwarzenegger moment. The general dark vibe and references to the end of the world throughout the film obviously put filmgoers off (it did respectable numbers at the box office, but not staggering given his star power and the film€™s budget). End of Days contains some of Arnie€™s finest actual acting moments. We all know he€™s awesome blowing shit up, but we get a look into the future of Schwarzenegger€™s career now that he€™s nearly a pensioner. And he does well. One scene in particular with the ever-impressive Gabriel Byrne (who just so happens to be portraying Satan), in which Satan tries to tempt Schwarzenegger€™s Cane into handing over the girl he has been protecting. It€™s a great scene (mainly due to Byrne€™s taunting) but Schwarzenegger holds his own and even gets to express feelings from sorrow (at losing his wife and child) to anger (the infamous choir boy quote). If that€™s not the sort of thing you want from an Arnie film, there are plenty of ferocious action scenes including an impeccable chase on a train in the third act. This remains an under-appreciated film in Arnie€™s filmography, which is disappointing, because it is probably his best film since True Lies and the last great Arnie action film with him in his prime.


A fountain of knowledge in useless film related trivia. Loves a good Simpsons reference. Also likes to write about stuff.