5 Upcoming Movies That Spoil The Ending In The Trailer

4. Clooney Turns Good - Money Monster

Money Monster George Clooney.jpg
Sony Pictures

Money Monster is one of my most anticipated upcoming movies; a mid-budget thriller looking at a contemporary issue through a new lens, it is, quite simply, the thing they rarely make any more. The set up is simple: George Clooney is the host of a financial advice show produced by Julia Roberts taken hostage by a down-and-out Jack O'Connell angry over the market crash. C'mon, that sounds good.

Most of the film seems to be locked in on the events in the studio, with hostage-taker, hostage and negotiator in a tense battle of conflicting motivations and worlds. However, the trailer does tease more than just that, with several beats outside of the sounstage. In fact, it might tease a little too much - in shots from later on in the movie, we see Clooney trying to help O'Connell. It could just be early-onset Stockholm syndrome or a trick, but it certainly looks like the Money Monster may have a change of faith.

Non-geek culture films go by different rules when it comes to trailers, releasing fewer and not being as desperate to sell every notable moment to get that sweet, sweet fan recognition, but, as Money Monster shows, they're not about a few spoilers.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.