5 Upcoming Movies That Spoil The Ending In The Trailer

3. The Final Battle - Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Multiverse Inception.jpg
Marvel Studios

The Doctor Strange trailer was pretty tightly focused on the origin of the Sorcerer Supreme, setting up the character and his vague powers for non-comic book audiences in pretty efficient fashion. This should mean that most of the footage is from the first act, but Marvel still managed to stick in some spoilerific spectacle there.

Assuming that the film is going for a more Batman Begins-style narrative, investing a lot of time in Stephen discovering the astral realm before donning that collar, then the real mind-bending stuff won't come until the final act, making the much talked about money-shots pretty ruinous. Especially that Inception-aping shot of a very uneven New York; if you look closely, you'll see features two figures grappling as they fall, most likely Strange and Mads Mikkelsen's villain (or, depending on where the movie goes, Baron Mordo). This means it's part of some final battle and, while other trailers would have probably given it up any way, it's still quite a reveal this early on.

Sure, it's not quite Hulk saving Iron Man, but like the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarriers crashing into DC or Ronan's ship plummeting towards Xandar, Marvel have managed to give up the final act show-stopper in the first look.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.