5 Upcoming Pointless Sequels We Could All Live Without

3. Horrible Bosses 2

colin-ferrell-horrible-bosses-600x300 Horrible Bosses was unique, inventive, creative and every other synonym to do with originality. An unprecedented success at the box office, it wasn't a huge surprise that a sequel was soon given the go ahead. The film was a hit because of it's likeable cast, sterling acting performance and... originality. The idea of three under appreciated and overly abused employees banding together in order to kill their bosses is great, but it's the kind of thing that only really happens once though. It's a bit of a stretch to convince the audience that this could happen all over again. It could work, don't get me wrong. The foundations were planted at the end of the first film, with Nick having a new horrible boss and Dale never actually overthrowing his boss in the first place. But is it really necessary? No. One of the reasons Horrible Bosses was such a success was due to its unique premise. A sequel would not experience the same levels of success that its predecessor did, due to the undeniable sense of déjà vu. It will be a nice reunion tour, but at the end of the day, it's incredibly pointless.

Entertainments lover. Yoghurt hater. Beard grower.