5 Ways To Have Improved Pacific Rim

3. Improving The Plot I may have missed something while watching this film, but there was a point in the film I really just couldn't get out of my head. That point being how the hell did the humans find the time to build these giant robots, or Jaigers for you picky people, to take down these monsters/Kaijus while they are destroying the earth. It seemed like the monsters were coming fairly quickly out of the pacific rim portal or whatever it was. It was kind of a missed explanation as to how they could avoid being attacked while everything was going on. Another point I found a little silly to be honest why were the humans holding walls to hold the Kaiju at bay? I mean sure they can take down a huge Jaiger with relative ease but a wall will stop them right? Things like this were always just going to be seen as lazy story telling. If you come up with the argument once again that plot doesn't really matter in a film like this. Well once again you might as well just paint Pacific Rim with the same brush as you do Transformers. Something I can't help but wonder that if Michael Bay had directed Pacific Rim, would it be getting the same reception? I don't want to be seen as truly bashing this film so I'll stop with the above plot points. Although there were plenty others in this film to be nit picked over I don't want this section to be a complete break down of every plot hole in the film, because come on it just gets tedious after a while right?


Aspiring movie reviewer, scriptwriter and director. Basically an all round movie fanatic! Also a Batman obsessive along with a strong passion for sport (mainly football of course), comics and games.