5 Winners And 5 Losers From SDCC 2014

The Losers:

5. Doctor Strange

Poor Doctor Strange had some of the most buzz going into the convention - especially after three-time Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix was reported as being in negotiations for the title role - but Marvel's Sorcerer Supreme got zero love at SDCC this year, without a single mention of his upcoming film in any of Marvel's panels. That's right, while the studio was keen to announce that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 would be arriving in 2017, they skipped right over Doctor Strange, a film that's already in development from Sinister director Scott Derrickson. We've long speculated that it will be Marvel's second release in 2016, arriving on the already-claimed July 8th release date, following Captain America 3's debut in May. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait a bit longer before getting any official confirmation. Hopefully Marvel is just waiting for Phoenix to sign one of those 6-8 film contracts with the studio, so that they can announce his involvement and the release date at the same time. Let's just hope we don't have to wait until next year's SDCC, or Disney's D23 expo in August 2015, to find out.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com