45. X2: The X-Men Meet The President
There are many more X-Men moments to come in this list, but this first from the X-Men's greatest film, X2, goes to highlight just how epic and goose-bump-inspiring the X-Men are when lined up all together facing down the most powerful man in the entire world, the President of the United States. Cool, calm and collected... this scene reminds me exactly why the X-Men are my favorite superhero group of them all.
44. Iron Man 2: Tony Stark Goes Formula 1
There aren't all that many scenes from Iron Man 2 on this list (though still a few more to come, and many many more to come featuring Iron Man) because frankly I found this sequel (written by Jennifer Aniston's fiance no less) something of a disappointment. The film however, did have its memorable stand out moments, much like all disappointing Marvel movies still, and this impressive sequence is certainly one of them. When billionaire playboy Tony Stark decides to recklessly drive a couple of circuits, he is soon whipped into shape by villain Whiplash, and barely escapes with his life. But whilst Mickey Rourke's whip is an impressive weapon even against the almost indestructible Iron Man, and the character represents a genuine threat, quite honestly Mickey Rourke's performance in this film dragged the whole thing down, almost as if someone had forced him to do it. Still, this remains a great single moment regardless.
43. Thor: Welcome To Asgard
A simple moment and one which needs very little explaining. When we first lay our eyes on the breathtaking CGI golden home of Thor, Odin and Loki, and see the magnificent and all shimmery rainbow light Bifröst Bridge for the very first time, it truly feels like we have entered another world (especially if you saw the film in 3D.)
42. Spider-Man 2: "Eat Your Vegetables"
It's lines like this one, delivered with a perfect naivety and charm by Tobey Maguire that remind me why Spider-Man 2 is probably my favorite Superhero movie of all time, and why Tobey Maguire is arguably my favorite actor in a superhero movie ever. After two kids see Spider-Man get hit by a car whilst riding his bike, but managing to back flip over the car and land on his feet, they ask " How'd you do that?"... Peter Parker responds " Uh... Work out... Plenty of rest... You know, eat your green vegetables..." only for the kids to then say "That's what my mom is always saying, I just actually never believed her". I love when films that can often get caught up in their own drama take a moment out to be silly, and this is the perfect example of that.
41. The Incredible Hulk: Hulk VS Blonsky
An important lesson previews for movies should follow is to never offer up your greatest scene for free before the movie airs. Unfortunately for The Incredible Hulk, it did just this, and before I saw the film I had already seen what I consider to be the best scene from the big green reboot. Though this scene in which Blonsky and the Hulk first face off in the grounds of a Universitytempted me to see the film, the rest unfortunately just didn't live up to the expectations built on it - a great and truly thrilling showdown scene.