40. X2: Wolverine Gets Shot In The Head

One of the best scenes in X2 (of which there are many) is the scene where Iceman, while on the run, goes and tries to hide out in his parents house. His brother calls the cops on the mutants who arrive - Wolverine, Rogue, Iceman and Pyro - and a stand off occurs. In this heart racing edge of your seat scene, Wolverine is shot in the head and Pyro lets loose, showing us the villain he will very soon become. The great thing about this scene however is that it only gets better from here.
39. Spider-Man: Green Goblin Kills Himself

Whilst trying to manipulate Peter Parker into thinking he is just sweet, kind Norman Osbourne in one of the final scenes from Spider-Man, the Green Goblin fires his gliders knifes towards his foe but misses, and the front-mounted knives stab straight into Norman's stomach. If only Norman hadn't asked Peter never to let his son Harry know about him, Harry may not have been in the position at the end of Spider-Man 3 where he himself was killed. Still, this was a great finale to a truly brilliant film... and more toned down and personal than the normal action packed finale showdowns in most superhero movies.
38. X-Men 3: The Danger Room

Growing up on a diet of "X-Men: The Original Cartoon" and later trying to read my way through the many many volumes of the X-Men comics, the Danger Room was always an important part of the X-Men universe and it was great to see it featured in one of the films (even if that did happen to be the worst). But more than this, the opening of X-Men: The Last Stand, when the X-Men appear to be in some version of the future fighting off a Sentinel (Days of Future Past style) for a second I thought the film had taken very risky move into awesomeness I wasn't expecting. Perhaps if the film continued in this alternative future it might have actually been a bit more watchable.
37. Captain America: Steve Rogers Gets Buff

Captain America is one of the least successful and least impressive movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but even still, it is for the most part entertaining as hell, and Chris Evans puts in an impressive performance as the titular character. Perhaps the thing that impressed me the most about the entire film was how they managed to get Chris Evans - a pretty buff, smoking hot man - to look like a malnutritioned weakling in the first quarter of the film using CGI. This comparison between what we know Chris Evans looks like in real life and what he looked like in the opening section is displayed even clearer when the real Chris Evans emerges, muscles ripping out his skin, and the whole audience is immediately convinced that Chris Evans was the perfect fit for this All American leader of the Avengers.
36. Iron Man 2: Iron Man/ War Machine Take On Whiplash

Iron Man 2's final scene is pretty action-packed, though probably not quite as action packed as the first, and this scene here when Iron Man and War Machine use their repulsion rays to cause an explosion that almost kills Whiplash, is a visual treat. To be perfectly honest though, I could pretty much just watch a film where Iron Man just flies around and shoots at random things for two hours.