50 Greatest Movie Villains Of The 21st Century

23. Castor Troy €“ Face/Off

face off blu-ray IMG_5746 Castor Troy is a really vicious villain. At the beginning of the film, he is played by Nicholas Cage, who establishes him as a gross, wild, criminal who has little regard for life or his actions. Later on, Castor Troy has his face swapped with the protagonist Sean Archer, and is now played by John Travolta. Played by Travolta, he is not quite as grotesque as in the film€™s introduction, but watching him taunt the protagonist with his own face is tragic. The character lets up a little bit and loses credibility as a villain when he shies away from a clear sexual attraction to his enemy€™s daughter while wearing the man€™s face. Of course, this is something none of us would€™ve been happy to watch anyway, so maybe it€™s for the best.

22. Randall Boggs €“ Monster€™s Inc.

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Randall is, in my opinion, the most evil of Pixar€™s villains. And why do I think this? Because his plan was actually pretty damn cruel, and his motivations weren€™t nearly sufficient to justify it. He was a jealous monster with a sick idea to become the top scarer at Monsters Inc. Randall was willing to abduct human children from their homes and insert a machine onto them that would forcibly steal their screams. From the looks of what that thing did to his little partner, it€™s likely that these innocent children would have been killed. That€™s actually a pretty horrific plan when you think about it.

21. Saruman €“ The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

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Personally, I€™m not a fan of the Lord of the Rings trilogy; pretty sacrilegious since I live in New Zealand, huh? Still, a phenomenon as big as this trilogy has to be acknowledged, and Saruman always stuck out to me as the standout villain of the franchise. Saruman is a representation of the corruption of power. He turns on Gandalf, who trusts him as a mentor. He is cruel to his subjects and very threatening, but it€™s too bad that his death scene was cut from the films.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.