50 Greatest Movie Villains Of The 21st Century

44. Grant Grant €“ Slither

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Boy is this guy nasty. If you€™ve seen the grossly underrated horror-comedy Slither, you€™ll know that Grant Grant (that€™s really his full name) is a messed up character. If you haven€™t seen it, just imagine Mearl from The Walking Dead as a very horny half-human, half-alien monster. Have I said enough? Before Grant is transformed into this hideous creature, he is already a rather nasty jerk. How he ended up married to Elizabeth Banks is anyone€™s guess. Anyhow, after he is mutated by a grotesque alien creature, things get really ugly. This is one bad guy you won€™t be forgetting.

43. Bane €“ The Dark Knight Rises

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While not the best-realised character in Christopher Nolan€™s incredible Batman trilogy, Bane is a memorable one. He is big, brutish and really cruel. Largely carried by a very physical performance by Tom Hardy, the character is a visually threatening one-man army. Although his story arc was kind of ruined by an underwhelming twist and very lame demise, Bane was still very interesting for the first two hours of this superhero epic. He carried with him a mystery that was probably best left unexplained.

42. The Green Goblin €“ Spider-Man

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He was played by William Dafoe. Oh come on, do I have to tell you any more? That guy oozes scary. Green Goblin was an excellently psychotic comic book villain and made for a very fun, camp antagonist in the original Spidey flick. The biggest weakness with the character was his empathetic back story (which shouldn€™t have existed) and poor suit design, reminiscent of the Power Rangers. Still, he was a fun villain to watch back in 2001.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.