50 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2016 - Ranked

2. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

There may be a lot of grumbles about the need for Rogue One to even exist (amid debate over the sanctity of narrative mystery), but after the excellent Episode 7 reignited Star Wars fandom's excitement for new nostalgia, you're kidding yourself if you think the film won't make a cool billion quite easily.

It might be a cynical attempt to cash in further on the original trilogy (or a celebration of it, depending on how you feel about prequels), but the opportunity to see a familiar story told from a different angle and the distinct possibility of the returns of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader (in some capacity) are huge.

The cast - led by Felicity Jones, Diego Lugano and Riz Ahmed - is as impressively balanced as Episode 7's and if Gareth Edwards pulls it off, the prospect of an expanded Anthology universe might see fan favourites like Boba Fett actually seeing rumoured films hitting cinemas.

Release Date: 16th December 2016


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.