50 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2017 - Ranked

19. Kong: Skull Island

2017 Movies
Warner Bros.

It barely matters how many terrible monster movies have been released in the past, there will always be a thirst in audiences to see giant beasts smushing tiny puny humans and fighting each other. That's why there's so many films starring Godzilla and King Kong, despite their apparent lack of narrative depth.

The next instalment to the genre - and the second chapter in the now shared Kong/Godzilla universe is - Jordan Charles Vogt-Roberts' 70s-set reboot of the giant ape franchise, which has a stunningly talented cast and an inevitably huge effects budget. This time the big monkey will face off against Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larson and John C Reilly as the latest group of human idiots looking to flex their muscles arrogantly at Mother Nature.

Expect a lot of them to die, basically.

Worryingly, there were lots of rewrites, but hopefully the final team will be aware that monster movies don't need to be massively complex. They're more about spectacle and ceremony, and that rings doubly true for Kong.

Release Date: March 10th


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